This scene is notable for two things: Dr. Wily (the last one, not the one currently played by Leo) building a machine to (Successfully!) steal Rock’s theme song.

And an excellent Gravity Man vs. Bionic Commando rhyme battle.

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One of my first scenes since coming back to M3. Gravity Man, along with Metal Man, went to go raid for supplies. Rock and Mirror Golem responded, the former to stop them and the latter to take advantage of the chaos to do some of his own looting.

Slightly incomplete, so I’ve added some notes about what went down that’s missing.

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This is a test post, composed of an old log from back when I was playing in an anime sim on Second Life. I do not have many fond memories of it on the whole.

Expect this post to be deleted shortly, and (maybe) reposted later with a better description.

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